Encouragement for the lonely

Encouragement for the lonely.
Excerpts from “Abandoned”

When he walked out the door life was over. All her hopes and dreams, they left too. There was nothing left but a big empty house And a heart with hurts brand new. A heart when its broken makes a terrible sound. One God actually hears far above. Like thunder and lightning, a raging storm, as the heart is slowly drained of its love. When she hit her low, the enemy waited To whisper “it can all be done soon.”. He offered her comfort from all the pain if she would just quietly go to her doom.

Loneliness is a painful way of life. One that separates us from others, making us a target for the enemy. It happens slowly, so we don’t see it coming until it’s too late. And then we don’t know how to get rid of it because a wall has been erected between us and everyone else. At least, we see it as a wall, and that perception is truth to the lonely.  

King David certainly knew loneliness. As a young man he spent days and weeks at a time alone with his father’s sheep. He had no one to talk to or share his thoughts with. His brothers left him alone out in the countryside with no company except for the sheep he was to protect. What a lonely existence that must have been for the young man.

But, David knew something we should all take note of. He knew he was never alone. His God, the God of Jacob, was ever with him. David spent the lonely hours singing to his God. Talking to Him about the things that troubled him and thanking Him for all that God did for him repelled the loneliness that always threatened. God was his constant companion. Psalm 3:4 “I cried to the Lord with my  voice and He heard me from His holy hill.” David knew God was always listening for his voice. He had only to “cry out” and God was there with him reminding David that He was near.

Paul and Silas spent some lonely time as they traveled and preached of the Lord. One night, after being beaten and thrown into the deepest darkest part of the prison, they once again experienced separation from the world. But they knew what each one of us must come to know. The Lord is always there. So, they opened their mouths and began to sing to the Lord.  Acts 16:25 “But at midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God,” And just like He did for David, God was listening and He made things happen.  

Release from loneliness is only a song away! God is listening to hear your voice. It is a sweet sound to His ears. Sing of His Glory. Sing of His Mercy. Sing of His unending love for you. You invite Him into your home, into your life, when you sing of your love for Him. You will never be lonely when He sits with you listening to your songs of love.

So, when life turns and all seems lost it’s a lie from the enemy’s lips. For with God you are never ever alone, just be patient, let God your world tip. The pain will still be something to bear, but remember that God has your hand. As He gently and lovingly guides your way, dries your tears and helps you withstand.

~ Deni

One thought on “Encouragement for the lonely

  1. Deni,

    This was great. I could feel those times of loneliness in my own life as I read this. The real pain that it produced.

    It also reminded me of our responsibility to reach out to those that are lonely. That they may be vulnerable to the enemy.

    Finally it brought to rememberance that all that are alone are not necessarily lonely as they have the knowledge of an ever present loving God.


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